Getting started



These are the dependencies of DaMaSCUS:


The DaMaSCUS code is available at

To download it via git simply run

$ git clone

in your console or terminal.

Folder Structure

You will now find the following folders in your destination directory:

  • /bin/: After successful compilation this folder contains two executables as well as the configuration file.
  • /build/: This folder contains all object files. Both the object files and the executables in /bin/ are deleted via
$ make clean
  • /data/: Once a simulation run is performed, the generated data will be stored here
  • /include/: The DaMaSCUS header files are stored here. Necessary 3rd party libraries can also be placed here.
  • /plots/: To visualize the results, created by the analysis module we include the small Mathematica package DaMaSCUStoolbox and an example notebook creating and saving plots.
  • /results/: The analysis module saves its results and histograms here.
  • /src/: All the source code files of the two DaMaSCUS modules can be found here.


DaMaSCUS consists of two more ore less independent modules:

  1. DaMaSCUS-Simulator: Simulates the dark matter trajectories and genererates the raw data.
  2. DaMaSCUS-Analyzer: Analyzes the raw data and calculates e.g. velocity histograms or detection rates.

The code is compiled using the Makefile. You might have to adjust the first lines

#Compiler and compiler flags
CXX := mpic++
CXXFLAGS := -Wall -std=c++11
LIB := -lconfig++
INC := -I include

to your local settings. Next to install DaMaSCUS and compile the code simply run

$ make

from the root directory in your terminal. Alternatively you can also run

$ make simulator


$ make analyzer

to just compile one of the modules.

Finally, running

$ make clean

deletes all object files and executables.